Wounds in the Rain: War Stories

By Stephen Crane, 1900

Download Wounds in the Rain: War Stories by Stephen Crane. Available in PDF, EPUB, and MOBI formats. Enjoy a summary, excerpt, and related recommendations.

Wounds in the rain

Wounds in the Rain: War Stories Summary

Wounds in the Rain: War Stories by Stephen Crane is a collection of short stories published in 1900, drawing from Crane's experiences as a war correspondent during the Spanish-American War. The stories vividly depict the brutality and chaos of battle, exploring themes of courage, fear, and the human condition amidst warfare.

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Wounds in the Rain: War Stories Excerpt

Short Summary: This collection of short stories delves into the experiences of soldiers during the Spanish-American War, portraying the harsh realities and emotional tribulations faced on the battlefield.

"Twenty-five men were making a road out of a path up the hillside. The light batteries in the rear were impatient to advance, but first must be done all that digging and smoothing which gains no encrusted medals from war. The men worked like gardeners, and a road was growing from the old pack-animal trail. Trees arched from a field of guinea-grass which resembled young wild corn. The day was still and dry. The men working were dressed in the consistent blue of United States regulars. They looked indifferent, almost stolid, despite the heat and the labour. There was little talking. From time to time a Government pack-train, led by a sleek-sided tender bell-mare, came from one way or the other way, and the men stood aside as the strong, hard, black-and-tan animals crowded eagerly after their curious little feminine leader."

This opening passage from 'The Price of the Harness' sets the tone for Crane's exploration of the mundane yet perilous tasks soldiers undertake during war, highlighting the blend of monotony and danger that defines their existence."

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