Richmal Crompton

Richmal Crompton

Richmal Crompton
1890 -1969

Richmal Crompton Biography

Discover the captivating biography and a collection of 2 beloved Richmal Crompton books available for free download on your favorite devices. Whether you have an iPhone, iPad, Android, or Kindle, you can enjoy these literary treasures in PDF and all popular eBook reader formats, including AZW3, EPUB, and MOBI.

Richmal Crompton was an English author born on November 15, 1890 in Bury, Lancashire. She was best known for her "Just William" series of books, which followed the adventures of a mischievous young boy named William Brown.

Crompton was educated at St. Elphin's School and then went on to study at Royal Holloway College in London. After college, she worked as a teacher and then as a governess. She began writing in her spare time and her first book, "Just William," was published in 1922.

The "Just William" series was a huge success, and Crompton wrote 38 books in total, all centered around the character of William. Her books were popular not only in the UK, but also in the US and other countries around the world.

She died on January 11, 1969, in a nursing home in Hampstead, London. Her legacy as a beloved children's author continues to live on, with her books still widely read and enjoyed by children and adults alike.

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Richmal Crompton books

Just William1922
More William1922